Detailed introduction:
● The company has a group of experienced software developers, guided by the hotel management experts, the management software business process is fully compliant with international hotel business process specifications.
● Development advantages: the company has many years of switch technology, in the exchange of equipment technology to the advanced level of the country. Therefore, the developed hotel management software integrates and shares background data seamlessly with the data transmission of the switching equipment. There are very few enterprises with the development of exchange equipment, production and hotel management software.
● The n-hotel management system integrated my company in the early years to develop the features of the s-hotel management network software which has been used in the market, the system is stable, and the data query statistics are convenient and convenient.
● Background data is a desktop relational database with large database functions and performance, high stability, automatic backup, recovery.
● Wake-up call, telephone grade, telephone sets room status, settlement to the exchange of equipment support functions such as billed on implementation has its own advantages, more than any other company to develop software system on and exchange device interface is more unique.
● User interface friendly, user customization, pre-set personal function, help file detailed set, easy to learn, no special training.